Looking for a fun couple to play with

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Seeking: Casual Encounters

Expires in: 53847 Hours

Hi there, I’m looking for a couple to play with. I love mfm threesomes and am looking for a cool couple that wants to hangout from time to time. I am married, the wife knows about this post, and I have permission to play. Please be ddf, 420 ok, between age of 20-69, and able to host or willing to split a hotel room. Daytime weekday play is preferred. Kik chimp4990

Don't be shy and send him a message 😀
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Megan's Dating Tip: Be honest. Don't lie about yourself, your hobbies, your appearance, or what you're looking for in a relationship. Honesty is the best policy and will attract people who are compatible with you.

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