Looking for a fun romantic man

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Seeking: W4M

Expires in: 60822 Hours

I am looking for someone who is comfortable with themselves, and someone I can learn from as well share the joys of life. I want someone who likes to have fun and enjoys life together. Someone who likes to enjoy life's little pleasures as we go through life together. Someone who likes to slow dance, cuddle, and watch movies in or out. Someone who likes affection and romance

Don't be shy and send her a message 😀
Add a picture to make it stand out!

Megan's Dating Tip: Be concise. Don't write a long essay or a generic message that could be sent to anyone. Keep your message short and sweet, but include enough information to spark a conversation. Aim for one or two paragraphs that introduce yourself, state why you're writing, and ask a question or suggest a topic to talk about.

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